Ages: 0-4 months
This study aims to investigates social development, feeding, and behavior throughout the first year of life!
You will make one visit to the lab which will last about 2.5 hours.
Participants will:
Parent and Infant will provide a small saliva sample for DNA analysis
Undergo a video-recorded feeding session with their child (this could be bottle-feeding or breast-feeding depending on the child’s normal feeding patterns)
The infant will be rocked to sleep (as per their normal nap-time routine) and then placed in our fMRI scanner. Images of their brain will be taken as they listen to varying sounds (female infant-directed speech and running water) and as they are gently stroked on their foot with a paintbrush.
As a thank you for your time, you will be compensated with a $50 visa gift card at the end of the visit.
If interested, please email puglialab@uvahealth.org, call (434) 297-8985, or text (434) 906-5669!